Wednesday, June 25, 2003: |
Animal Kingdom:
- Start your day with some magic at breakfast. Drink your beverage with a blue light ice cube in a
Nemo flashing mug!
- John's TotD: If you're single and looking for some action, go to the Adventurer's Club and hit on
someone's wife. ;)

- Oh how good those rapids feel in the raft ride! And we meet a very fun family who bets just who
will get soaked the most. They were right: Daddy and daughter did. I don't even change my
clothes because the cool wetness feels great.
- We notice how nicely the foliage in AK has grown over the years. So much more shade in areas,
more fitting with the different areas, and the whole park has filled out in a good look – the way
Disney once said about Disneyland and its foliage.
- They put out the river boats – it's the first time we've ever seen them.
- We move up in the Safari ride because we're the first part of 2 to fill up the truck. And we get up
to the second row!
- Get a good lion picture! (See pic) As you can see, this is a lioness. The lion was laying in the
shade on his back, paws up in the air. It reminds me of Morgan who loves to sleep like this; then
when she dreams of running, her paws run in the air!
- Ah, Mara's! I come up with the great idea of having dinner there plus taking time to enjoy our
other favorite hotel, the Animal Kingdom Lodge (we stayed here for our 10th anniversary). Mara's
theming and good food selections nakes it a favorite place of ours. We even get our old table,
right across from the tv playing old Disney cartoons! I love their African salad and they will make
it without chicken, so the place is great for vegetarians. (See pic)
- I see another fugily lanyard!!! In the gift shop at AKL after we eat dinner at Mara's. This is the
only other fugily lanyard I've ever seen except mine and Kim's. I'm always surprised by this. A
couple box tops and $3 and you have a lanyard with key chain that has all the park icons on it! So
much cheaper than what parents are putting down in the parks for boring black ones.
- Got a Simba Paw ice cream bar!! I haven't eaten one of things in ages; forgot how good it is!
- Iced chai tea in Asia! Yeah, baby!
- I have a note here: Math spontateard ‘p combusting. Please take that to heart.

- I always, ALWAYS, embarrass myself when we got Rafiki's Conservation Station. This time I
do so by suddenly shrieking "Where's the camcorder?!! Did we leave it on the train?!!" As John
and a cast member come running over to help, they must point out the camcorder is on my
shoulder. At least the CM doesn't laugh on the spot like the hubby did!
- At Rafiki's, we pass a sign explaining not to take wild animals as pets. Now I know what's wrong
with our domestic dogs! Morgan's wanderlust spreading into her climbing any fence – including
te 7 foot one in the backyard – and Casey's joy in tunneling like she's escaping Alcatraz! They're
not domestic at all! We brought home wild, spoiled dogs!
- Woman animal expert or over the top tourist? You decide. (See pic)
- The antelopes tease the lions on the safari, staying tight on the perimeter for the lions' enclosure,
as if saying "Ha ha! Can't reach us!" The lioness watches them all narrowed eyes: "Laugh it up,
my Happy Meal!" Even the bus driver notes it.
- The CM for the Komodo dragon notes that it can eat its body weight in 20 minutes, then he tacks
on "Just like a teenage boy". ;) As Pal Mickey noted nervously: Gulp!
- We pass a family grabbing snack in the shade. Their 2 small daughters were asleep in a stroller
like 2 puppies! They snaked around each other, one pillowing her head on her sister's tailbone,
the other's head flopping over, contorting her arms to twist over her sister.

- We have 2 cases of bottled water and 3 blank camcorder tapes in the camper. We forget
them. So what's the first thing we buy at AK? A bottle of water and a blank tape for the
video camera.

- In the parking lot, every one lines up their cars to file in. The car behind us suddenly guns his
engine and cuts in front of us. John has to swerve to miss hitting him. The guy counted and
figured out we were getting the spot at the end of the line and cut in front of us so he got it,
and we had to go all the way down to the beginning of a new row!
- Can you slap fellow guests when they're being stupid?
- Parents on the Maharaja's Trail can't be bothered talking to their kids about the
animals, making up things like "It's a bear" for the tamal to get the kids to move on.
Why bother coming if you're not going to do the park right? What do they do in
Small World, identify all countries as "Not America"?
- How about the idiots who block entry ways to attractions and lines as they decide
what to do or other things they should take to the side so you can get by?
- How about rude behavior like jamming up the bathrooms or dropping tp and towels
on the floor saying "They have people to clean up this stuff"?
- How about a woman who brings her daughter's friend – the parents of this child
misjudged how much money she'd need and the woman says to her daughter, "Well,
this will be the only souvenir you get because (friend's name) doesn't have enough
money and I have to cover her too. So this is it for you!"
- No "Tough to be a bug" this trip. John's beat and wants to get back to the dogs. We leave AK,
and I'm very sad that this is the almost the end of this trip.
- At the Floridian, I found out the truth about the Pal Mickey pin. It was Limited Edition and sold
within a week which is why no one else knew about it.

- Again we see them filming for a WDW vacation video and again we're not picked!!!!!!!
- A family loses their autistic son, thinking he might have jumped on the tram ahead of them. But a
cast member gets on the radio and sets out a net of Cms to find the boy.
- Lost a pin in Dinosaur! Waah!
- Hey, what happened to the eggrolls they used to sell in Asia with the veggie fried rice?! I was
PRIMED for that!!!!!!!
Must-do list:
- Scavenger Hunt: heard about this in a Disney email then on boards. John at first was reluctant, but
we get into it and have a ball. Amazing what you think you know about a park and its attractions
and you don't!! I'd love to see this at the other parks because it's a great way to learn the details.
They don't even have to give me a pin. Wait... forget I said that last part.

- Pebble Hidden Mickey (See pic)
- Okay, a "real" Hidden Mickey along the Maharaja Trail (See pic)

- As we leave the park, Mickey said, "I sure enjoyed spending exploring with you, pal! But all this
traveling. has made me kind of tired. So I'm going to get some rest. (sleepy) Talk to you later,
pal." I didn't know it then, but it was going to be the last thing he said to me as we didn't get into
any other parks. Sniff!
- John buys me a hippo plush to go along with out inside joke of how we're always seeing hippos
out of the water even though the guides say it's rare! (See pic)
- Pin backs. OK, not a sourvenir per se, but I needed them!
Downtown Disney:

- John's new racing shirt is so sharp and looks so great on him!! (See pic)
- The Comedy Warehouse is much better! Finally, a good show this week!
- We meet this wonderful couple from Manchester, England in the Adv. C. We have a great time
discussing our favorite BBC programs: The Office, Ground Force, Changing Rooms, the fact that
Coupling, is coming to America etc. When we leave them, the woman calls out "Cheerio"! No,
really she does! Now was that for real or was she indulging in a stereotype for the Americans
sake? ;)
- We notice the best Adv. C. people are those that had some standup comedy in their background or
improv shows. Give them a microphone and they'll entertain a crowd in the main salon all night,
unlike others who struggle to keep a conversation going. The new maid, La Rue, for example is
like this. So is one of the newer actresses to play the President as well as John and I's favorite
Samantha. They have us in hysterics and we can't wait for them to come into the main room!

- The woman next to John at the comedy show was hysterical! She's leaning on him, slapping his
shoulder as she laughs like she's known John forever. He decides to go along with the fun, and
their pounding each other as they roar at the jokes.

- Paint spot Mickey (See pic)

- John asks me a question he's seen on the boards. "If you could design the next Disney hotel, what
would you design?" So here's my hotel:
- Upper scale. It needs to be to pay for what it must have.
- Futuristic, cutting edge. The theming must be sophisticated, elegent, like the other top of
the line hotels at WDW, and done in a stylized theme such as MK's Tomorrowland so
you don't need to do a ton of updates to keep it looking sharp and progressive.
- Why futuristic? A number of reasons:
- Walt Disney loved progress. Much of his parks are dedicated to it.
- At last, a version of Walt Disney's city that he planned for Epcot.
- Epcot itself with Innoventions and more is meant to look at the future.
- WDW is always trying to do something cutting edge, be a leader in an industry
such as theme parks, animal parks, and transportation. This hotel would take it
to the leading edge in hotel guest's services and comfort.
- The People Mover would be used to move guests from buildings to different areas around
its area, perhaps even to parks. It could even be built close to a park – like Boardwalk is
to Epcot – so guests can easily go in by foot or People Mover.
- Guest rooms offer such features as:
- set the shower to your perfect temperature and tell the computer to save it. Have
a separate setting for everyone staying in your room. For example, I like my
showers hotter than John does.
- Save lighting settings the way you want. 1) a saved setting for how you want it to look when you enter the room 2) when you come back from the park, 3) when you're relaxing with tv vs a book vs changing to go out etc.
- Choose between rooms with windows and balconies, and rooms with screens
that'll give you any view you want. Look out on Main St like you're staying in
the castle; look out towards World Showcase or the lagoons, anywhere in WDW
you want. Or how about anywhere in the world? Paris, Hawaii, London, New
York, we have virtual views that will make it look like you're there.
- Voice activated phone with speakers in all areas of your hotel room. Why pick
up a phone with a chord that chains you to the desk, looking up what
numbers you have to call? As you dash around, you call out to the air, "Phone,
call Epcot, Le Cellier. Yes, I'd like to make priority seating for 3. Phone, End
- I have a bunch more ideas but you see what I mean.
- One building will be pet friendly because it's my hotel and my pets get to come. Guests
must follow the same rules they do in Fort Wilderness and outside pet friendly hotels. If
not, they're out!
- From what I hear, people are looking for a non-child hotel. If that's true, one building
will be that with its own entrance, check-in, restaurant, pools etc.
Wrap up:
We leave the next morning, on time and with a long trip ahead of us. At 9:40am, I turned the power off of Pal Mickey. 
I'm not doing a trip home report because we're not headed home. We're going to a wedding and won't get home for a few days.
The best thing about getting home was a certain piece of mail waiting for us.
For annual passholders: a preview weekend of Mission Space...