Magic Kingdom:
Eggroll day. EGGROLL DAY!
- If you use the handicapped shower stall, do not put your clothes on the floor. Even though you've put
them all the way across the room, far from the shower, they will get wet. Your Pjs will be soaked so
you can't wear them back to your site, so you'll be stuck wearing your shorts with the wet crotch
through Fort Wilderness.

- John has a great idea: take the boat to Magic Kingdom!
- The weather is beautiful!! Exactly what you want when you come down here.
- John gets his haircut at the barber and we meet Maura who was in the Disney Magazine ad! She has
regular customers from New York, Las Vegas etc. as well as local Floridans. She gives us both Pixie
Dust for our hair!! Later, in the sports store, a woman notices my pixie dust and wants some for
herself. I send her to Maura since the woman wants her hair done for that night! And later on, a man
asks for his kids and wife. Do I get a commission?
- A visit to the Bakery! A must for any Magic Kingdom trip! (Oh those mugs look so tempting...)
- Eggrolls! Yummy, favorite eggrolls! Two of them all for me! The cast member is so excited to have
someone actually cheerful to talk to!
- People mover!! Don't care what they call it -- love the peoplemover!
- We purchased dog tags last trip, but didn't get them engraved, fearing the costs. I check it out this
time: unlike home that charges per letter, it's a flat fee of $3.50 per tag! Pet's name on one side and
their phone number on the other! They look so nice! And so much less expensive!
- This is for the man who told his kids they couldn't get a pet tag for their dog because the dog
wouldn't know it's from Disney World: :p bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbttt! You do it for
yourself, you dingus!!! For your kids to be excited that their pet has a Mickey Mouse tag
from WDW!! Boob!
- Carousel of Progress is open, another ride we haven't done in years.
- As I munch my eggrolls and John goes off for a Dole whip (and to surprise me with a Nemo blinking
mug!), a young girl starts talking to me, drawn by the Dory keychain and Pal Mickey. We have a nice
conversation before her parents say it's time to go on a ride. She looks up at me with big brown eyes
and says sweetly, "You can come with us if you want." MELT!!
- We notice, after all these years, this little snack bar across from Pirates. It has a beautiful mural that I
grab a picture of, that and its little courtyard with steps leading up to an apartment. John says THE
Redhead lives up there!
- Street performers on Main Street! Wow!

- I give the dogs biscuits, remembering to put them within the Morgan Mouth zone. And what happens?
Casey will not eat hers until John hands them to her! What a princess! Like I did something to her!
- John raps my knee with his empty water bottle, being a wise guy, and it backfires! The bottle jumps
out of his hand, bounces off a wall in the boat and into the back of someone's head! This gives me
ammunition for whenever the bagel story comes up.
- I drink two sodas between my beverage I get with my eggrolls and the one in my Nemo cup. Then I
share a bottle of water with John, and he wonders why the ladies rooms are suddenly my friends? He
even asks, "Are you pregnant?" Wishful thinking; we started trying to have a baby in May, our last trp
to Disney. Since we stayed in Fort Wilderness then too, our friends call the future baby Crockett.
While it's tough not buying all the Disney baby stuff, we did get Baby's First Mickey Mouse, the terry
cloth plush, all stitched (no buttons to come off in baby's mouth!) with the blue shorts. This sits next to
the Crockett Mickey Mouse on our shelf. ;)
- As we enter the Carousel of Progress, a teenage girl eyes my pins hungrily and asks, "Where did you
get that?" I ask what, a particular pin, the lanyard...? With big eyes, she says, "You bought all that
individually? It's not one of those packages I've seen? COOL!"
- In the Carousel of Progress, as we start to leave the year 2000 scene, John whispers, "The next scene is
the family enslaved now that the apes have taken over the planet."
- You've heard of Hidden Mickeys? Well, for the Star Trek fans, at dinner in Whispering Canyon, I
notice a "hidden Enterprise". (see picture)
- As our waitress in Whispering Canyon brings out a birthday cake for a 40-something female guest, she
says in true Canyon humor, "Hey, everyone! We're going to sing Happy Birthday to -- what's your
name, Princess?"
- As I explain and sell a family a Pal Mickey in the Wilderness Lodge gift shop -- about the 4th or 5th
PM I've helped sell and the umpteenth question about him -- John teases, "Hon, you're a Pal Mickey

- The crowds!!! We thought yesterday was something! With the ferries and monorails dumping people
out, it's like Elis Island in 1900 here! As the lines fill up, John gets an idea of what the ‘old days' were
like. Still, it's not as bad as when I was a kid and you waited 2 hours for a ride (no Fast Pass and 4
parks then to split up a crowd).

- The new power box is too far away for our power cord. Instead of asking Disney for help (as they
suggest), John happily goes to the Meadows Trading Post and buys an additional cord!
- I told John I'd make him a bagel for breakfast. Then he turns the power off (as I'm typing up trip
notes) as he plays around with his new power cord. So I go to take a shower -- and never hear the end
of how he came into the camper, looking for his bagel, and sees me instead walking off to the comfort
- Carousel of Progress gets stuck in the 40s; we end up seeing it twice. Some people got up and left; I
took a closeup picture of the dog for Morgan and Casey: they're big Rover fans.
- We go to dinner at Wilderness Lodge (Whispering Canyon), and my desperate attempts to get to a TV
for a shot of the Zip-a-dee-doo-dah tip of the day fail.

- I make a Freudian slip in the morning when John says something about how good it is not to be home.
I said, "Yeah, I'm not at work!" This brings back the reality that I got laid off right before we left for
WDW, and that I have to call Unemployment this morning.

- Tough choice:
- I want to say when Pal Mickey talks in the Haunted Mansion about the organ because it's the
only time he ever talks in an attraction!
- But I do love what Pal Mickey says after the Mansion which is something like, "What dessert
do I eat after the scary mansion? Ice cream (I scream)!" Then in this honest, slight tremble,
"No really, I scream."
- I love when he asks that I keep him dry. Always fun – and it must be entertaining for Cast Members
on Splash Mountain to watch their security cameras as I have Pal Mickey in the ride picture, then bring
him rapidly to my lap and throw my body over him as the wave hits the boat!
Must-do list:
- Train ride!!
- Go to Wilderness Lodge; in fact, we have dinner there in Whispering Canyon for the first time! I love
the 2 Lodges; they are my favorite hotels.
- John bought Mickey race car shirt.
- California rapids bear (and I swore I wouldn't get a plush this trip!)
- Dogs' tags get engraved
- Hawaiin shirt for John (he's wanted this since last trip)
- Nemo blinking mug! A surprise from John! I saw someone with one in Epcot and I didn't realize
John saw my face light up. When he saw it in MK, he had to surprise me with it!
- magnet from France -- that famous black cat print
- John surprised me with a Fort Wilderness t-shirt. Then later with a Wilderness Lodge one! I have
a complete set of this theme of resorts!
Downtown Disney:

- John's latest "love" is back at Adv. Club! Tish the maid who very nicely remembered him from
the last time, even when she was singing in American Vibe at the American Pavilion.
- Comedy Warehouse is better tonight, except they turn this guy into a dope taker when they do
"This is your life". The guy takes the abuse well.

- A woman in the Adv. Club ladies room accidentally drops her beer in the toilet.
- In addition to being an odd fan of the Zip-a-dee-doo-dah Tip of the Day, I'm also oddly a fan of
Disney Cruise buses. I think they look so sharp. Two are pulled up at Pleasure Island and I try to
take a picture. When I use the flash, it makes a glow in the dark version of the bus' paint job! (See pic)
- Guy tries to pick me up in the Adv Club! He starts with the line (in a ‘smooth' tone), "Hi. I didn't
see you come in." Nice to know I still got it, but I easily say, "Oh, my husband and I came in a
few minutes ago." He takes that well and just talks about vacation chit chat. Sunny the maid asks
who would come listen to her spiel in the Mask room if she gave it. I politely ask this guy if he
plans to go and he says (no lie or exaggeration), "I will if you'll sit in my lap". What woman
would ever fall for that bit?! I figured he didn't hear the "my husband" part earlier so I say, "I
think my husband would have a problem with that." I then go up to John, hugging him. Before I
do, he says, "That guy is trying to pick you up, isn't he?" :D We agree to meet in the Mask Room
where my "admirer" makes a late arrival. As I try to listen to Sunny, I see John make a funny
face. I look over and my "admirer" is slipping his hand across the seat towards my thigh. As I
decide how to quietly – so not to interrupt the show – tell the guy to back off, John slips onto the
seat next to me and gives the attempted thigh toucher a smile and away the guy goes!
Read Day 4