- Didn't set a Mickey Mouse wake-up call? No need to worry if you have a small dog! (See picture)

- I got a glow cube in Sci-fi!!
- We meet a family named the Bidwells in the Sci-Fi Drive-in lobby. We first think the waiter is
mispronouncing our name! And don't we end up sharing a car ! Their teenage son keeps teasing his
father after every bad movie preview,"Hey dad, can we rent that when we get home?"
- Oh, I get a great picture of the screen! (see picture)
- I love in Sci-fi when the cast members yell along to the Colossal Man footage!
- The parade!! Oh, the parade!! Mulan, Stitch, Luke and Leia, and Mickey!!! So close!!
- The woman doing the warm up and commentary for the parade was absolutely wonderful.
- Muppets: I always, always love walking into that theater because it seems to look exactly like the bits
we saw on TV. And they're preshow plus all the signs are just fantastic. And Rizzo the Rat dressed
like Mickey! (see not great but decent pic of this)
- I enjoy the area of the Muppets store that looks like the set of the first film -- with the added Mickey
shorts on the line! Especially when Pal Mickey says, embarrassed,"You see, my dryer broke down
- When John is unable to ride Star Tours, walking through the speeder, and no one takes his seat since
it's against the door, I give his seat to Pal Mickey and take his picture. Before someone flames me, I
immediately put him back on my hip, and offered the seat to another rider.
- It was a fantastic group in Star Tours!! Many never rode before and many were dedicated fans of the
films. Cheers, laughter, yelling -- just a perfect ride experience!
- We go into"One Man's Dream"; I put Pal Mickey next to Walt's name, and wait for the lettering to
display: It was all started by a mouse, and then I snap the picture. (See the photo). The cast member at
the door applauds.
- We meet a nice woman from our state who now lives here in Florida. We have a great talk as we sit
around in Mom's. She encourages us to move; as much as she loved her old home, she loved it better

- A woman and I at the comfort station laugh over how people stop caring about getting dolled up to
roam their resort. I won't go to the mailbox at home or the ice machine at a hotel in PJs or ugly sweats.
But here we were first thing in the morning, me in my bright yellow Mickey Mouse pajamas, messed
up glasses with the krazy glue stain on the lens from when I fixed the broken frames, and she's in
sweat pans, cheap flip flops, and her husband's old T-shirt. Fellow travelers, relax. We do not leave
our base areas.
- While waiting in Guest Relations, I get to watch some really "professional" parents checking in. As
their 3 children jump energetically around, the CM offers Mom and Dad crayons and things to color for
the kids. Mom and Dad pass this on, but the kids at first are to revved up to settle down with coloring,
so Dad says,"You have to color these. It's a rule here." Their eldest son protests,"We got to color?"
Mom nods and backs up Dad."If you don't color these in, we can't check in." Kids settle right down,
happily coloring while their parents finish checking in.
- We get a healthy breakfast of fruit and water near Rosie's. As our body recover from the shock of
healthy food, we remember a time when we ate lunch here years ago. We noticed a couple put their
child's shoes on the wrong feet (the little girl was kicking them off, swinging her feet; Mom had to
hurry to get them back on). We wanted to say something because we didn't want the girl's feet to hurt
or worse, she trips when she goes to walk. But you never know how people will react, especially
something like that, pointing out they put shoes on the wrong feet? And they spoke Spanish, so we
weren't sure how our English explanation would sound. Like arrogant Americans? As we tossed this
whole thing over, we got a brilliant idea. Let a cast member tell them! People expect news from cast
members, especially this very"Mom" looking one working at Rosie's! They'll take the news well
from her! So I go up and explain, and as a true"Mom", she agrees but suggests an even better idea.
She sends a fellow cast member who speaks Spanish! The couple laughs, thanks the cast member, and
all is well. And we feel like idiots for struggling over something so simple as telling someone about
their kid's shoes!
- I buy an Eagles Pine pin because I love the eagle on it; we have a few bald eagles things so, why not
get it, even if I'm not a golfer? But John teases me the rest of the trip with things beginning like,
"Since you're an avid golfer, tell me..."
- In the movie memorabilia store, we see a Hunchback poster and John points,"Clopan!! That's the
guy's name!" A cast member asks us very seriously if we have a problem with the Clopan character,
and John explains. When he gets to the Clappy punchline, the cast member is appalled! Closet Clopan
- Woman on NY St. tells her husband to take a picture of her and their daughter "walking down the
subway entrance, and we'll make it look authentic". To help with authenticity, I offer to play an
obnoxious commuter bumping into her.
- We come across street performers who end up, based on suggestions from the crowd, rapping"Over
the Rainbow"! Did a good job!
- At the lounge in"Mom's Prime Time", I'm snapping pictures of Mickey Mouses woven in the
decorations. The bartender, Don, was bending over to get something from a low shelf when he turned
around with me looking like I was taking a picture of his behind. Joking, he asked if I got a good shot
of him, and John laughs,"You're going to be on the Internet. www.buttsofdisney.com!"
- What a great guide we get in The Great Movie Ride! Debbie was vivacious, into her role, and made it
a fun ride. When we get in the old horror film room, the one with the skeletons etc., she whispers in her
mike,"I see dead people".
- As Ariel goes by in the parade, I happen to catch her driver's eye who smiles at me. So I set up a
shout:"Let's hear it for the drivers!" She laughs and waves.
- At the end, the parade's announcer is finishing her spiel of"And the fab five, Mickey... And look at
Pluto etc. etc. Let's hear it for Pluto!" Right after them are all these CMs following the last car, so we
smoothly continue the spiel:"And the people who wrap up the parade! Let's hear it for them folks!"
They start laughing and waving like mad.

- Ooooo, the money I spent in Star Tours!!! Ah, screw it. I've been good up until now. ;)

- I wanna R2!!! And I got to wait for Christmas.
- We walk around NY St. in case the rumor of it being removed for a car action stunt show is true.
- Teens!! Who needs them! Are they God's revenge for Adam and Eve not listening to him about the
apple? I shouldn't say all teens, because obviously I met good ones (like the one in Sci-fi and more)
But I get sick of the ones sulking around like their families are inflicting torture on them by taking the
to WDW.

- While in Guest Relations, I tell them we switched sites with our neighbors, that they were setup in ours
so we took theirs. I thought Guest Relations would want to update the computer. The CM tells me,
"We know you switched. We updated the computer the first night." They knew...? How? I imagine
the conspiracy theories -- like our Pal Mickey told them -- that people would come up with! But the
CM says they simply always send someone out to make sure your set up comfortably and saw us in
1717 and the others in 1716.

- Because of crowds, we don't get to do everything we'd like. We never get back to Rock n Roll roller
coaster, for example.
- John doesn't feel well suddenly and has to miss Star Tours. We go sit down, getting him something to
settle his stomach and he's fine for the rest of the day.
- They're filming a vacation video and we don't get picked for an interview!! Between us with our
annual passes, pins, and a pal Mickey, we represent thousands of dollars given to WDW and we don't
get picked!! They were taking childless families, all ages etc. so I don't know what they look for that
we couldn't get picked. Believe me, we tried!!

- Rained while we got ready, but cleared. Then rained again for most of the day. Oh well, gives me an excuse to make Pal Mickey a rain poncho out of a Mousegear bag!
- It hits me about our limited time. We can't say "Oh, we'll come back and do that later this week." This
is it.

- John gives the dogs biscuits, and then notices Morgan has eaten only the ones right next to her mouth.
To test this theory, he pushes the remaining biscuits close to her head, and she gobbles them down.
- I almost got the dogs on the tram!! The CM working the parking lot said that instead of the close
parking, which was very full, we could park with everyone else and take the pups on the tram! I was
all for it! But John thought the line of cars waiting to park was too long, and pushed up forward to the
diamond parking.
- When we pick up the dogs at the MGM kennel, the CM, Marissa, grins when we tell her which dogs
are ours. "Wait until you hear about the great escape!" We groan. Casey is a great one for getting out
of cages, figuring out latches. But no! Marissa explains as she gets off the phone,"Wait until I tell
you about Morgan!" Morgan figured out how to open her latch and was running around (sending
Casey into jealous hysterics). So the CMs round her up, put her back, and wrap a bungee chord around
the door. Now when Morgan opens the latch, the door is still closed. So they thought, until Morgan
went streaking by and they found she had opened the latch, got the bungee chord in her mouth, and bit
it. By the time we were there, Morgan was padlocked into her cage! We apologize profusely, but
Marissa waves that away."Most fun we've had in ages! I loved it!" She also points out Casey's
partial Mickey Mouse on her side, and how the left ear started growing in. The Epcot kennel liked the
partial Mickey when I pointed it out, but Marissa noticed it herself. Kudos, Marissa!
- Casey's paw was bothering her in the morning, so we asked Guest Relations about a vet. CMs working
with the horses, dogs etc. at Fort Wilderness get me the name of their vet. We decide to take Casey
when we pick her up at the MGM kennel only to find out she took matters into her own "paws". She
took out the problem toenail, and was tearing around fine! She strutted around MGM like she owned
it, tossing looks at people like,"Hey, how you doin'?"

- In Sci-Fi, he says,"I love sharing this day with you, pal." John says,"Is that all he's going to say?" I
tell him to be quiet; Pal Mickey and I are having a moment.
Must-do list:
- John sees the R2 I want for Christmas.
- Ate at Sci-Fi. Always a favorite.
- Relaxed in the lounge/bar in Mom's Prime Time. I love listening to people identify furniture pieces
their parents, grandparents whoever had while they grew up. I see a set of shelves John and I bought
recently in a yard sale!!
- Playskool Millenium Falcon
- Star Wars weekend shirt
- Star Wars keychain
Pleasure Island:

- Love the way they light up the street signs! So easy to see!!
- Adventurer's Club is going good, but we're so tired that we call it a night before the rhythm ritual and

- I buy a WDW monorail pin, insisting to John that I needed it -- that I had looked for it everywhere our
last trip and couldn't find it. As we sit I in the Adv C, I remember that I hadn't looked for the monorail
pin, I was looking for a Disney Bus pin! Worse, I think we HAVE this monorail pin at home.

- We walk right into the Comedy Warehouse, but the show is kind of lame; it takes almost to the end
before they get something good going (with the exception of Pat, and no I'm not playing favorites
because she comes from my state! ;)
- When we get back to the site, we have a letter from Fort Wilderness. No, not about the dogs. ;)
They're routing power to new electrical boxes. There will be a small power outage tomorrow morning,
plus John's worried we can't reach the new box with our chords.

- Attendance at both Epcot and Pleasure Island is so low. Yeah, it rained a bit today, but it's June! Peak
Season! No complaints, but where are all the peaks?
Read Day 3