Mickey Statue: Mouseketeer by Annette Funicello Mickey Statue: Ellen Degeneres Mickey Statue: Diver (special meaning because of dive tour I'm taking at Epcot this trip) Mickey Statue by Elton John Great shot of the Mark Twain!  I don't think that's the actual name of the boat, but that's what we always call it. ;) The side path -- and romantic spot -- by the side of the castle, heading towards Fantasyland
Mickey Statue: Mouseketeer Mickey Statue: Ellen Mickey Statue: Diver Mickey Statue: Elton Mark Twain closeup Side path by castle
Still life -- John's artistic vein comes out in the Columbia Harbor House John loves getting his haircut here! Me and Pal Mickey - a closeup Balloons -- John took this.  Nice picture! We get picked for Grand Marshals!  And ride in Walt Disney's car!  
Still life Barbershop Me and Pal Mickey Balloons Grand Marshals